Our Story
Tiny Dreams Begin...
In 2011, Rebecca, a military wife, had home-birthed her fourth child. Her previous breastfeeding efforts weren’t all that she imagined and she struggled to find support at their previous duty station. She was determined to fill that support gap and began researching to make this experience different. Taking this new knowledge, Rebecca became an active member of her local natural parenting group and a strong advocate for breastfeeding. By the end of 2011, Rebecca’s natural parenting support extended to doula services, attending dozens of births (even while pregnant herself!) to further encourage and support women through their pregnancies, deliveries and their breastfeeding experience. She made many meaningful connections with other local breastfeeding advocates
...and then someone said, "have you tried lactation cookies?"
The Dream Evolves...
By field-testing her chocolate chip lactation cookie recipes with a small focus group, she finally landed on THE recipe. Rebecca, a firm supporter of Shopping Local, sourced her ingredients locally and experimented new flavor combinations. As the demand locally grew, requests for other items were mounting.
Rebecca expanded her product offerings to include puppy chow, monster bars, overnight oats, brownies and smoothies, and now has more than twenty flavors of cookies to choose from.
Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare...
In 2014 Rebecca had given birth at home to her fifth child, a girl. She finally had the confidence to enjoy every single moment of breastfeeding. It was discovered at a doctor’s appointment, that Rebecca's nine week old infant had multiple posterior rib fractures with no explanation for how they occurred. Her five children were immediately removed from their home due to false allegations of abuse. It was later discovered that Rebecca's infant had severe Vitamin-D Deficiency Rickets and a connective tissue disorder known as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which caused Rebecca's infant to fracture from normal handling. While her children were in foster care, Rebecca was forced to pump milk for her baby as she was limited to nurse during the two hour visitation per week. The emotional demands from trying to prove her and her husband's innocence took a toll and her milk production diminished. She utilized donor milk until the state decided to switch her baby to formula. She felt completely defeated. Their children were returned to them ten months later, but not before nearly destroying their family financially.
Regroup, Recover, Reach for the Stars...
Rebecca began selling at the farmers markets and to local friends. It became very clear how large the market was for this tiny dream that started in her kitchen. With her husband’s medical retirement from the military, it was time to expand her business to bring stability to her (now) family of 8.
Rebecca is pleased to announce that effective Spring 2018, all her products will be produced in a commercial kitchen to expand her lactation goodies to online sales, as well as, offer non-lactation varieties, dough on the go, and fresh baked delivery to the Waynesville, St Robert, and Fort Leonard Wood Communities in Missouri.